Stefan Spiss


MSc in Computer Science
PhD Student
+43 512 507 53458
stefan [d] spiss [a] uibk [d] ac [d] at
ICT, Room 3N11

Stefan Spiss is currently a PhD student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He gained a master's degree in Computer Science in the beginning of 2021 and afterwards joined the Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group (IGS). Currently he is working on the generation of new interactive training media for surgical education. His main focus is on 3D reconstruction and 3D object tracking. In his leisure time, he can often be found in the mountains hiking or snowboarding. Moreover he likes to skateboard, surf and play the guitar.

Research Interests

3D Reconstruction, 3D Object Tracking, Computer Haptics

Current Teaching

PS Angewandte Mathematik für die Informatik, 703066, SS2021

Selected Publications