Nikolaus Rauch


MSc in Computer Science
PhD Student
nikolaus [d] rauch [a] uibk [d] ac [d] at
ICT, Room 3N04

Nikolaus Rauch is currently a PhD student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He gained a master's degree in computer science in 2019 and afterwards, joined the Interactive Graphics and Simulation (IGS) group. Currently, he is working on load balancing and performance prediction in the context of interactive multi-physics simulation. His other interests are real-time computer graphics and adaptive difficulty adjustment in computer games / virtual training environments. In his free time, he enjoys sailing / kite surfing, and playing the guitar.

Research Interests

Physically Based Simulation, Computer Graphics


PS Einführung in die Programmierung, 703004, WS2018

SL Einführung in die Praktische Informatik, 703002, WS2018

PS Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, 703032, SS2019

PS Physikbasierte Simulation, 703821, WS2019

PS Angewandte Mathematik für die Informatik, 703066, SS2020

PS Angewandte Mathematik für die Informatik, 703066, SS2021